Tuesday, March 27, 2018

7 Movies to help you reconnect with God this Holy Week

There are so many ways to spend your time this Holy Week, either you go out of town or out of the country with your friends, family or even by yourself. You can go churches to churches, or you can stay at home and watch different movies. Here are the list of the movie suggestion that you can watch by yourself or with someone close to your heart.

1. Heaven is for real

Heaven is for real is a 2014 American Christian film directed by Randall Wallace. The movie is based on the book of Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent with the same title 'Heaven is for real'. It talks about how a four-year-old Colton Burpo, played by Connor Corum experienced Heaven during his emergency surgery. It is said to be a real life story and the family picture of Connor on the present time is concluded on the film.

2. God's not dead 1

God's not dead is directed by Harold Cronk starring Kevin Sorbo, Shane Harper, David A. R. White and Dean Cain. The first part of God's not dead was released on 2014. It talks about how Professor Jeffrey Radisson asks his students to sign the petition that 'God is dead', but then there's Josh Wheaton who argues that God's not dead. Professor Radisson then asked Wheaton twenty minutes pero lecture session to argue on why he thinks that God exist.

3. God's not dead 2

God's not dead 2 was released on 2016 and it talks about the freedom of a teacher Grace Wesley, when asked by one of her students about Jesus. She went under fire and when she refuses to apologize, she almost loses her certificate of teaching. "I would rather stand with God and be judged by the world, than stand with the world and be judged by God," said Grace Wesley.

4. The Passion of the Christ

Passion of Christ is based on the New Testament. It shows the story of Jesus, how he was tortured before he got crucified on the cross. As he was hanging on the cross, Jesus prayed to God to forgive those people who tormented him and provides salvation to the criminal crucified beside him. This movie was released on 2004 directed by Mel Gibson and will surely bring your faith back to God.

5. Prince of Egypt

Prince of Egypt is produced by DreamWorks Picture in 1998. It is animated film that suits for kids and kids at heart. It is an adaptation from the Book of Exodus about how Moses was raised being the prince Egypt, but then he was destined to become a deliverer of the Israelites.

6. Miracles from heaven

 It is based on the true story of Beam Family from Texas how their faith was tested when a 10-year-old girl named Anna was diagnosed with rare disorder. They find their faith slipping away, but after a freak accident and after they encounter God they started giving restoring their faith and brings new faith to everyone.

7. Flywheel

The unexpected pitfall could happen if you've never been honest about your business. Jay Austin, is a dishonest car salesman who's in debt and comes to a turning point in life after he became a born again Christian, he started to trust everything in God and God provides him a way to pay his debt.

With these seven movies, it can help you realize things and help you to reconnect your faith with God. These movies shouldn't just be kept on our mind, but the moral should be kept in our hearts.

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